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Check out our Above Ground Pool Inventory Close Out!
A swimming pool is perfect for creating lasting memories of fun with family & friends!

Water Analysis Lab Closed 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm daily

We will be Closed Sunday Sept. 22nd thru Wed. Sept. 25th for a brief holiday with family and friends. Re-opening Sept. 26th 11:00 am-4:00pm. Thank you for your patronage.

Welcome to

Sun Valley Pools



Our Services

Sun Valley Pools and Fanzone has been servicing the tri-state area since 1980. We are a Bioguard® Platinum pool and spa chemical dealer and an expert authorized Baquacil®  dealer. Come see how Sun Valley Pools and Fanzone can add some fun to your back yard!

Above-Ground Liner Replacement
Pool Openings/Closings
Water testing image
Accurate Water Testing Analysis - Get to know ALEX®

Sun Valley Pools | South Jersey

Since 1980, Sun Valley Pools has been serving the South Jersey area by selling and installing quality above-ground pools. Our team of experts can design a pool that complements your home while also working with any building restrictions that come with your property or neighborhood.

Don’t let next summer hit you without a sparkling body of water in your backyard. Contact Sun Valley Pools today to get started on designing your pool. Click here for directions to our location and to call or email us about our services.

We looking forward to hearing from you! Give us a call today at 856-696-3033.

South Jersey’s Trusted Pool Dealer!

Sun Valley Pools has established a great reputation in the community for integrity and hard work.  Our one on one relationships with our clients are everlasting through many generations!

Get in Touch

Sun Valley Pools

29 West Sherman Ave
Vineland, NJ 08360


Hours of Operation 
Monday: 11:00 AM- 5:30PM
Tuesday: 11:00 AM- 5:30PM
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 11:00 AM-5:30PM
Friday: 11:00 AM-6:00PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM-4:00PM
Sunday: Closed


Sun Valley Pools, West Sherman Avenue, Vineland, NJ, USA